
Multidisciplinary Journal is the publication that publishes research papers from various areas of research. These are the research, scientific scholarly journal; peer reviewed which publish research papers, case studies, review papers and other research work. Multidisciplinary journals are multi indexed journals that publish the research paper very fast. These journals consider articles related to any subject.

Some best multidisciplinary journals for publication

Arabian journal of science and engineering

Applied network science

European journal of science and technology


International journal of agile systems and management

International journal of service science management engineering and technology

Indian journal of science and technology

Journal of the royal society of New Zealand

Journal of Mountain Research

Journal of advanced research

Maejo international journal of Science and technology

Method science studies journal is a multidisciplinary journal

Philippine journal of Science

Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences

Psychotherapy and politics international

PLOS one

Science advances

Science technology and society

Songklinakarin journal of science and technology

World review of science technology and sustainable development

In the quick publication process, from the above multidisciplinary journals few of them are free journals and few are paid.

Some free Scopus Indexed Multidisciplinary journals

Nature, Springer Nature (publisher).

Science Bulletin, Elsevier (publisher).

Scientific Reports Open Access, Springer Nature (publisher).

Scopus Indexed Multidisciplinary Indian Journals

International Journal for Simulation and Multidisciplinary Design Optimization.

International and Multidisciplinary journal of Social Sciences.

Multidisciplinary Journal of Educational Research.

Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities. Multidisciplinary Scopus Indexed journals aim to provide you with the multidisciplinary Scopus Indexed journals. Scopus is Elsevier’s abstract and citation database, launched in 204. It covers nearly 36,377 titles from approximately 11,678 publishers. Multidisciplinary journal will help to the society’s development with a rigorous scientific basis, internationally. And also aims to reflect the outcomes of the major global research in social sciences, researchers theoretical contribution, monographs, reviews etc.